Major Achievement for the School of Economics and Management: All Undergraduate Programs Designated as National First-Class Professional Construction Sites
Article source: |Release date: 13-Jun-2022|Clicks:298

The School of Economics and Management at Beijing Jiaotong University has recently achieved a significant milestone. According to a notice from the General Office of the Ministry of Education, all of its undergraduate enrollment majors have been designated as national first-class undergraduate major construction sites for 2021. This includes the newly approved financial management and confidentiality management majors, alongside previously recognized programs in Economics, Finance, Business Administration, Accounting, Logistics, Information Management and Information Systems, and Engineering Management. This recognition marks a new pinnacle in the college's undergraduate professional construction.


The School of Economics and Management's undergraduate education is deeply rooted in the ethos of cultivating moral and talented individuals. It has consistently strived to enhance the quality of talent cultivation and reform educational and teaching methodologies. Additionally, the college boasts two national characteristic majors in economics and logistics management and two national "comprehensive reform pilot projects" in economics and accounting. The engineering management major has been re-evaluated and approved by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the logistics management major is a key construction major in Beijing.


The school also prides itself on its distinguished teaching staff and educational resources, including one national-level teaching master, one national-level teaching team, eight Beijing city teaching masters, and one Beijing city course ideological and political education master. Its educational excellence is further underscored by the approval of three national first-class courses, five national-level resource-sharing courses, two national-level high-quality online courses, one Beijing city high-quality course, and 33 online open courses through platforms like Love Course and School Online.


Moving forward, the college aims to leverage this achievement to further elevate its standards. Guided by the university's leadership and with the collective effort of faculty and students, it plans to benchmark against first-class majors, deepen educational reforms, enhance professional content, and focus on building teacher strength, course quality, high-quality teaching materials, and experimental and practical teaching. The ultimate goal is to comprehensively improve the quality of undergraduate talent cultivation, aligning with the standards of first-class majors.