Opening Ceremony and Series Report of the 8th China Europe Sustainable Engineering Doctoral School (SESE) Summer School (Part 1)
Article source: |Release date: 29-Jul-2023|Clicks:520

On the morning of July 26, 2023, the opening ceremony of the 8th Doctoral Consortium of the Sino-EU Doctoral School for Logistics, Information, Management, and Service Science took place at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. This event was sponsored by the International Research Center for Information Management Theory and Technology (ICIR) of Beijing Jiaotong University, the Catalan Institute of Technology in Spain, the Graduate School of Beijing Jiaotong University, and the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University. Additionally, it was organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and hosted by the Beijing Logistics Informatization Research Base. The consortium was jointly organized by the Logistics Management and Technology Laboratory of Beijing Jiaotong University (Beijing Key Laboratory) and the School of International Education of Beijing Jiaotong University.


Group photo of the opening ceremony of the 8th China Europe PhD School in Logistics, Informatization, Management, and Service Sciences Summer School

The opening ceremony was graced by the presence of distinguished individuals, including Professor Vicenc Fernandez from the Catalonia University of Technology in Spain, Muhammet Deveci, Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering at Türkiye Naval Academy of Türkiye National Defense University, Professor Shi Xianliang, Dean of the School of Economics and Management at Beijing Jiaotong University and President of the Summer School of China Europe Logistics, Informatization, Management, and Service Sciences. Also in attendance were Professor Lan Hongjie of ICIR and Vice President of the Summer School of China Europe Logistics, Informatization, Management, and Service Science Doctoral School, Associate Professor Huang Anqiang of ICIR, and all members of ICIR. The event saw the participation of nearly 100 young teachers, doctoral candidates, and outstanding master's students from 11 universities across 8 countries. Additionally, students and teachers from the student base of Beijing Jiaotong University, Sunshine Yanshan School in Zunhua City, were present. Notably, seven teachers and students from Sunshine Yanshan School, including Principal Ma Donghui, Teacher Zhang Yunxiang, and Meng Lingqing, actively engaged in all summer school activities throughout the entire program. Sunshine Yanshan School, serving as a valuable source of high-quality student resources for our school, leverages the construction of the Beijing Jiaotong University Student Source Base to facilitate year-round dynamic exchanges with the International Research Center for Information Management Theory and Technology (ICIR) of Beijing Jiaotong University. This collaboration contributes to the mutual development of Sunshine Yanshan School, universities, and research bases, fostering a positive impact on future student resources, enhancing talent cultivation standards, and promoting a mutually beneficial relationship in the national education industry.


Summer school students listen attentively to lectures


Photos of Sunshine Yanshan School Participating in Summer School Activities

Professor Shi Xianliang, Dean of the School of Economics and Management at Beijing Jiaotong University, extended a warm welcome to the guests, experts, and scholars attending the conference on behalf of Beijing Jiaotong University. He encouraged all students to actively engage in the diverse and exciting activities, share their academic research experiences, and foster genuine international friendships through collaborative exchange activities.


President Shi Xianliang delivers a welcome speech

Professor Vicenc Fernandez from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Spain expressed his excitement and joy at participating in offline summer schools. He emphasized the significance of summer schools as a crucial avenue for learning and exchanging academic ideas. Considering the value of the present time and opportunities, he encouraged young scholars to seize the moment, actively engage in discussions, and thoroughly enjoy the enriching experience of academic exchange. He also extended his best wishes for the success of this summer school.


Professor Vicenc Fernandez's Opening Speech and Warm Pictures with His Family

Muhammet Deveci, Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Naval Academy of Turkey's National Defense University, highlighted the unique experience of face-to-face communication with students during summer schools. He emphasized the dynamic and vital nature of this interaction, expressing his willingness to invest time and energy in engaging with scholars. He eagerly anticipated future academic discussions with everyone at the next summer school.


Speech by Associate Professor Muhammet Deveci at the Opening Ceremony

Professor Huang Anqiang, Vice President of the China-Europe Doctoral School of Logistics, Informatization, Management, and Service Sciences, and Associate Professor at ICIR, provided an overview of the China-Europe Education Union and the China-Europe Sustainable Engineering Doctoral School. He recounted the educational history of previous summer schools and outlined the exciting content planned for the next six days under the theme of "Logistics, Informatization, and Service Science." This includes lectures by top scholars, academic exchanges among graduate students, corporate exchanges, and practical research.


Associate Professor Huang Anqiang's Opening Speech

Simultaneously, the 13th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics, and Service Science (LISS2023) and the 10th International Conference on Industrial Economic Systems and Industrial Security Engineering (IEIS2023) successfully commenced their opening ceremony. Distinguished speakers, including Professor Li Xuewei from Beijing Jiao Tong University, Professor Liu Kecheng from the University of Reading in the UK, Professor Li Zhichun from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Professor Ge Yingen from Chang'an University, delivered keynote speeches on the theme of "data" covering various aspects of theory and technology. They expressed their expectations and conveyed blessings to the outstanding scholars participating in the summer school for engaging in profound academic research.


Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speech of IEIS2023 and LISS2023

Following the opening ceremony, educators and young scholars from 11 universities across 8 countries, including Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, South China University of Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, University of Toronto, University of Maryland, University of Leuven in Belgium, Catalonia Polytechnic University in Spain, Moscow State University of Engineering, and Slavonia Broad College, actively engaged in academic discussions, attended lectures, and participated in activities fostering cultural exchange and ice-breaking.

1、 Academic seminars

At 2 pm, the summer school hosted a parallel forum academic seminar activity. This seminar was divided into three parallel forums, delving into pertinent research topics such as "Data Science," "Information Management," and "Service & Management."

In Parallel Forum 1, Professor Liu Kecheng from the University of Reading in the UK analyzed the value assessment of digital assets from a semantic perspective. Professor Zhang Juliang from Beijing Jiao Tong University offered policy guidance on container capacity allocation for multiple customers and explored alternatives. Professor Xu Jie delved into inventory optimization under sustainable conditions. Following these presentations, Li Ruimian, Zhao Qi, and Wei Xiaoyan shared research findings on the digital business ecosystem, communication efficiency of urban rail transit, and pricing of the electric vehicle closed-loop supply chain.


Professor Liu Kecheng's Research Report


Professor Zhang Juliang's Research Report


Professor Xu Jie's Research Report


Li Ruimian Research Report


Zhao Qi Research Report


Wei Xiaoyan Research Report

In Parallel Forum 2, Professor Gao Xuedong from Beijing University of Science and Technology introduced a text data recognition method for managing digital transformation processes and identifying business opportunities to continuously improve competitiveness. Other presentations in this forum covered topics such as enterprise credit risk prediction, attribute relationship clustering of telecommunications customer groups, and multi-objective pharmaceutical supply chain decision-making and coordination.


Professor Gao Xuedong's Research Report


Research reports from multiple other students

In Parallel Forum 3, Professor Song Guang, Deputy Director of the Department of Logistics Management at the School of Economics and Management at Beijing Jiao Tong University, and Director of the China Industrial Chain Supply Chain Research Center, studied ordering and pricing decisions under capital constraints and loss aversion. Associate Professor Jia Xiaojun, Deputy Dean of the National Institute of Economic Security at Beijing Jiao Tong University, conducted a specific analysis of the relationship between ownership affiliation, ownership types, and shareholding preferences of enterprises. Other presentations in this forum covered research on the transfer effect of the manufacturing industry in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration under the background of carbon peak, as well as the relationship between bank resilience and risk-bearing capacity.


Director Song Guang's Research Report


Research Report on Vice President Jia Xiaojun


Research reports from multiple other students

2、 Academic lecture exchange

After the parallel forum academic discussion, Professor Shen Zuojun, Vice President of the University of Hong Kong, delivered a lecture titled "Data-Driven Decision Analysis in Operations Management," which was moderated by Associate Professor Wong Anqiang of ICIR. Professor Shen described the uncertain variables of massive data in daily operations as uncertain behaviors under unknown probability distributions. He incorporated machine learning elements into the constructed data-driven decision-making framework to address problems such as data prediction with uncertain characteristics in the real world. During the lecture, students engaged in discussions on cases of data uncertainty in real environments and explored the current machine learning and other algorithms, gaining a deeper understanding of data-driven data processing, data prediction, and data analysis processes, as well as the corresponding algorithms.


Professor Shen Zuojun's online lecture

Later, Professor Francisco Saldanha da Gama from the University of Sheffield in the UK explored the importance of incorporating time-varying decisions in hub positioning and routing problems. He devised a systematic approach spanning multiple planning periods, making decisions on hubs and their connections. Mathematical models were established considering fixed costs and variable operating costs. Utilizing a universal solver, small-scale cases were solved to a proven optimal state. Professor Francisco Saldanha da Gama's research serves as a valuable reference for students in terms of standardization, innovation, and the conceptual construction of mathematical models.


Professor Francisco Saldanha da Gama's online lecture

3、 Breaking the ice of cultural exchange

To foster academic camaraderie among students, Professor Yan Xiaojie, Zhang Pei, Zhang Yanping, and other students organized a self-introduction and cultural exchange icebreaker activity for doctoral and master's students. The nearly 100 students participating in the summer school represented various disciplines, including the School of Economics and Management, School of Transportation, School of Computer Science, and School of Physics, all centered around the theme of "logistics, information technology, and service science." They introduced themselves, covering aspects like name, hometown, school, major, and research direction, quickly establishing connections with their peers. Subsequently, through engaging activities like mental memory challenges, singing and guessing games, and on-site talent displays, all students deepened their understanding of one another.


Cultural exchange and ice breaking activities

Introduction to the Summer School of China Europe Logistics, Information Technology, Management and Service Science Doctoral School

In September 2010, the Chinese Ministry of Education proposed the creation of the China Europe Engineering Education Alliance (SEEEP), comprising 18 Chinese universities and 12 European Union universities specializing in Educational Research at Polytechnic Universities (CLISTER). The primary focus was on "how to update engineering education concepts, reform engineering teaching models, and expand social cooperation in the context of globalization."

On September 19, 2014, the "Sino-European Doctoral School of Logistics, Informatization, Management, and Service Science" project, a joint initiative by Beijing Jiao Tong University and UPC in Spain, received approval from the China Europe Engineering Education Alliance (SEEEP). The ICIR Center of Beijing Jiao Tong University was entrusted with the specific construction tasks. The overarching objective of the project is to enhance collaborative doctoral student training between China and the EU. It aims to explore diverse international cooperation models for effective doctoral student cultivation, facilitate the development and exchange of theoretical knowledge, abilities, and qualities in the comprehensive training of doctoral students between China and the EU. Additionally, it seeks to deepen collaborative innovation in the fields of logistics, informatization, management, and service science, encouraging scholars from both sides to engage in profound cooperative research on major academic issues between China and the EU and propose innovative and efficient solutions.

The Summer School of the China Europe Doctoral School of Logistics, Information Technology, Management, and Service Sciences, referred to as the Summer School, is a specific component of the "China Europe Doctoral School of Logistics, Information Technology, Management, and Service Sciences" initiative. Since its inception in 2014, it has successfully organized seven consecutive events in various global locations, including Beijing, Barcelona, Kyoto, Toronto, Vancouver, and Maryland. The program has facilitated the participation of over 200 outstanding doctoral students from more than 20 countries and regions, fostering in-depth academic and cultural exchanges. The Summer School aims to enable doctoral students worldwide, including those from China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, and Pakistan, to overcome spatial barriers, strengthen cultural mutual trust, and enhance emotional integration. With years of continuous development, the summer school has evolved into a highly influential and appealing international exchange platform, cultural integration platform, and doctoral innovation training platform.