Report on the 8th China Europe Sustainable Engineering Doctoral School (SESE) Summer School Series (2)
Article source: |Release date: 29-Jul-2023|Clicks:290

On July 27, 2023, sponsored by the International Research Center for Information Management Theory and Technology (ICIR) at Beijing Jiao Tong University, the Catalonia Institute of Technology in Spain, the Graduate School of Beijing Jiao Tong University, and the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiao Tong University, an event organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and hosted by the Beijing Logistics Informatization Research Base, the 8th Doctoral Consortium of the Sino-EU Doctoral School for Logistics, Information, Management, and Service Science (referred to as the "Summer School") continues at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Co-organized by the Logistics Management and Technology Laboratory of Beijing Jiao Tong University (Beijing Key Laboratory) and the School of International Education of Beijing Jiao Tong University, the event brings together all participants who have attended academic lectures by renowned professors, engaged in workshop discussions, and participated in thematic academic sessions.

1、 Renowned professors' academic lectures and exchanges

On the morning of July 27th, Professor Martin Dresner from the University of Maryland in the United States delivered a lecture titled "Delivering Restaurant Sales Through Last-Mile Delivery Platform Partnerships" via an online conference. The session, chaired by Associate Professor Huang Anqiang, focused on the influence of last-mile delivery platform collaborations on the direct channel sales of American urban chain restaurants. Using a dataset encompassing over 6 million consumers at restaurants in the United States, the study concluded that collaboration with delivery platforms positively impacts the direct channel sales of restaurants. Professor Martin Dresner delved into the advantages of last-mile delivery partnerships and underscored the significance of aligning online and physical restaurant efforts to maximize the value of such collaborations, leading to lively discussions among faculty and students.


Professor Martin Dresner's online special lecture

2、 Workshop Academic Seminar

On the morning and afternoon of July 27th, scholars participating in the summer school engaged in academic discussions on topics such as maritime supply chain management in the field of transportation, port adaptation to climate change, emission reduction technology, and the dynamic impact of subway expansion on the spatiotemporal distribution of road congestion.


Workshop on Transportation Research Theme Discussion

3、 Theme academic seminar

On the morning and afternoon of July 27th, students participating in the summer school, along with members of the study tour, entered the stage of doctoral group academic discussion and exchange. The student seminar is divided into three classes, both online and offline, covering research topics such as green supply chain management, pricing decision-making, and high-speed rail safety management.


Offline academic reports and discussions with classmates


Online academic report from classmates