Report on the 8th China Europe Sustainable Engineering Doctoral School (SESE) Summer School Series (4)
Article source: |Release date: 31-Jul-2023|Clicks:334

On July 29, 2023, the 8th China Europe Logistics, Information Technology, Management, and Service Science Doctoral School (referred to as the "Summer School") continued its activities in Shenzhen. The participants visited Shenzhen International Holdings Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Shenzhen International") and China Railway Academy (Shenzhen) Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Shenzhen Institute"). The on-site visits to these enterprises deepened the students' understanding of multimodal transportation and logistics hubs, prompting profound reflections on the integration of industry, academia, research, and project application demonstrations. To conclude the day, all teachers and students of the summer school joined the communication and celebration dinner for Pengxin Group's 25th-anniversary enterprise summit.

1. Visit and exchange of Shenzhen International Holdings Co., Ltd

At 9:30 am, Wu Penghua, General Manager of Shenzhen International Pingnan, provided an overview of the comprehensive logistics hub in Pingnan. The innovative development model of the comprehensive logistics hub, featuring multi-level and three-dimensional logistics facilities, seamless integration of "railway+logistics warehousing," and the optimization of freight collection and transportation through highway-railway intermodal transportation, garnered significant interest from the students. Following the presentation, General Manager Wu Penghua engaged in detailed discussions with participating teachers and students on specific issues related to the hub.


Figure 1: Wu Penghua, General Manager of Shenzhen International Pingnan, introduces Pingnan Comprehensive Logistics Hub


Figure 2: Wu Penghua, General Manager of Shenzhen International Ping An University in Hunan, Exchange with Teachers and Students of Summer School

Following that, Ge Fei, Vice President of Shenzhen International, provided an overview of the development process of Shenzhen International and explained the synergy between investment and planning, emphasizing their complementary roles in the development methods. Vice President Ge Fei also discussed Shenzhen International Logistics Hub's development from a market perspective, covering aspects such as hub planning, positioning, challenges, opportunities, park planning, and functional layout. Throughout the discussion, he encouraged students not only to enhance their professional abilities but also to strengthen their capacity to navigate market challenges. He emphasized the importance of having a broad perspective and strategy to control development risks and pave the way for future prosperity.


Figure 3: Ge Fei, Vice President of Shenzhen International, introduces the development overview and process of Shenzhen International4.png

Figure 4 Introduction of Shenzhen International Logistics Hub by Vice President Ge Fei


Figure 5 Group photo of Shenzhen International Holdings Limited visiting


Figure 6 Group photo of Beijing Jiaotong presenting Shenzhen International souvenirs

2. Visit and exchange of China Academy of Railway Sciences (Shenzhen) Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd

At 2:30 pm, all the teachers and students of the summer school visited Shenzhen Institute. The video presentation offered students an initial insight into Shenzhen Institute. Xu Yusheng, the dean of Shenzhen Institute, provided an overview of the Railway Science Institute and Shenzhen Institute, enhancing everyone's understanding of the multimodal transportation business and future development initiatives of Shenzhen Institute.


Figure 7: Xu Yusheng, Dean of Shenzhen Institute, introduces the overview of China Railway Academy and Shenzhen Institute

Jesse Jensen, from the Greater Bay Area Multimodal Transport Engineering Center, presented an overview of the railway 95306 platform, detailing its daily operations including freight production, station resources, railway freight source distribution, vehicle and container dynamics, waybill tracking, vehicle and container tracking, multimodal transport data exchange platform, paperless customs clearance, digital ports, train monitoring, and smart freight yards. Following this, the multimodal transportation platform in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area was discussed, covering industry background, current status, market prospects, construction concepts, business models, and anticipated benefits.


Figure 8: Introduction of Railway 95306 Platform by Jesse Jensen at the Greater Bay Area Multimodal Transport Engineering Center

Qi Ziwei from the Digital Railway BIM Technology Laboratory provided an overview of the independently developed BIM system by Shenzhen Institute, emphasizing its contribution to the collaborative construction of a smart city. Following the presentation, teachers and students engaged in discussions and communication with Shenzhen Institute, addressing various aspects of multimodal transportation. To conclude the visit and exchange, Professor Li Xuewei from Beijing Jiaotong University delivered a closing speech.


Figure 9 Introduction of BIM System by Qi Ziwei in the Digital Railway BIM Technology Laboratory


Figure 10: Director of the Greater Bay Area Multimodal Transport Engineering Center, Bai Bao, exchanging and answering questions with classmates


Figure 11: Xu Yusheng, Dean of Shenzhen Institute, exchanging and answering questions with classmates


Figure 12 Summary Speech by Professor Li Xuewei from Beijing Jiaotong University


Figure 13: All teachers and students of the summer school listen to the report of Shenzhen Institute


Figure 14: Group photo of all teachers and students of the summer school visiting Shenzhen Institute

3. Pengxin Group's 25th Anniversary Celebration Gala

At 6:30 pm, all the teachers and students of the summer school attended the 25th-anniversary celebration party of Pengxin Group. Dr. Nie Zhuqing, Chairman of Pengxin Group and President of the Shenzhen Alumni Association of Beijing Jiaotong University, extended a warm invitation to all members of the summer school to join the Pengxin Group Enterprise Summit and dinner. The students concluded their day's schedule with an enjoyable and spirited evening celebration.


Figure 15 Group photo with Dr. Nie Zhuqing, Chairman of Pengxin Group