The school successfully held the LISS2023 and IEIS2023 International Academic Annual Meetings
Article source: |Release date: 29-Jul-2023|Clicks:153

From July 26 to 28, 2023, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, the 13th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics, and Service Science (LISS2023) and the 10th International Conference on Industrial Economic Systems and Industrial Security Engineering (IEIS2023) were successfully organized. The event was sponsored by the International Research Center for Information Management Theory and Technology (ICIR) of Beijing Jiaotong University, the National Institute of Economic Security (NAES) of Beijing Jiaotong University, and the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University. It was also jointly organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University of China and the University of Maryland in the United States, along with the Information Science Research Center of the University of Reading, UK. The conference took place simultaneously at the venues of Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Beijing Jiaotong University.


Group photo of Hong Kong venue

The conference received support from various organizations, including the IEEE SMC Logistics Informatization and Industrial Security System Professional Committee, Wang Kuancheng Education Fund, China Europe Sustainable Engineering PhD School, Beijing Logistics Informatization Research Base, Beijing Key Laboratory of Logistics Management and Technology, and Beijing Industrial Security Research Base.

The opening ceremony of the conference took place simultaneously in Beijing and Hong Kong at 8:30 am Beijing time on July 26th. It was attended by distinguished guests, including Professor Guan Zhongliang, Vice President of Beijing Jiao Tong University, Professor Li Xuewei, Vice Chairman of the Transportation Branch of the Chinese Society of Systems Engineering and ICIR, Professor Shi Xianliang, Dean of the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiao Tong University, Professor Kecheng Liu, Foreign Director of the Henry School of Business and ICIR at the University of Reading in the UK, and Professor Fu Xiaowen, Director of the Department of Industry and Systems Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Professor Guan Zhongliang, one of the General Chairmen of the LISS2023 and IEIS2023 conferences and Vice President of Beijing Jiao Tong University, delivered a speech on behalf of the organizers. He welcomed the guests and experts attending the conference, expressed gratitude to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for hosting the event, introduced the history and vision of Beijing Jiao Tong University, and extended best wishes for the success of the conference.

Representing the organizers, Professor Nick Chung from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University welcomed the experts and scholars participating in the conference. He provided insights into the preparation work, agenda, and guest speakers of the conference, expressing hopes for a successful event.

Professor Kecheng Liu, one of the general chairpersons of the LISS2023 and IEIS2023 conferences, reported on the organization of the conference and shared information on paper submissions and evaluations. The conference received nearly 200 papers from 13 countries and regions, with 88 papers accepted after the evaluation by the expert group.

The opening ceremony was skillfully presided over by Professor Wang Kun from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Vice President Guan Zhongliang


Professor Nick Chung


Professor Kecheng Liu


Professor Wang Kun


On site of the opening ceremony

The guests attending the opening ceremony were also Professor Li Zhichun from the School of Management at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Professor Ge Yingen from the School of Transportation Engineering at Chang'an University, Professor Vicenc Fern á ndez from the University of Catalonia in Spain, Professor Eva Gallardo Gallardo from the University of Catalonia in Spain, and Honorary Senior Researcher from the Bartlett School of Sustainable Architecture at University College London Professor Muhammet Deveci, a visiting professor at the Royal School of Mining and Technology at Imperial College London, Professor Gao Xuedong from the School of Economics and Management at Peking University of Science and Technology, Professor Li Hongchang, Associate Professor Xie Xiang, and Associate Professor Xu Jie from the School of Economics and Management at Peking Jiaotong University, Professor Zhang Zhenji, Professor Liu Shifeng, Professor Li Yisong, Professor Zhang Juliang, Professor Chang Dan, Professor Lan Hongjie, Professor Lu Xiaochun, Dr. Shang Xiaopu, and Dr. Huang Anqiang from the ICIR Center Dr. Gong Daqing, Dr. Zhang Yunan, Dr. Yan Xiaojie, and over 200 experts and scholars from 13 countries and regions around the world.

The conference invited 10 renowned scholars from the fields of logistics, information technology, service science, and industrial security to give keynote speeches. Professor Li Xuewei, one of the general chairpersons of the LISS2023 and IEIS2023 conferences and a professor from Beijing Jiaotong University, presented a report titled "The universal set theory of big data with its application", proposing feasible strategies for applying universal set theory to big data. Professor Kecheng Liu, one of the General Chairmen of LISS2023 and IEIS2023 Conferences and Professor Kecheng Liu from the University of Reading, UK, presented a report titled "Value Co creation through Transformation to Digital Ecosystems", proposing the concept of value co creation and emphasizing the importance of active cooperation and participation between partners and customers. Professor Li Zhichun from Huazhong University of Science and Technology presented a report titled "Ring road investment, cordon toll, and urban spatial structure: Formula and a case study", proposing a method for studying the issues of ring road investment and cordon toll in crowded circular radiation cities. Professor Ge Yingen from Chang'an University gave a report titled "Emerging Trends in the field of Transportation and the Environment", introducing topics related to vehicle roads or transportation infrastructure, travelers, and carbon in the field of transportation and the environment. Professor Max Zuojun Shen from the University of Hong Kong presented a report titled "Data Driven Decision Analysis in Operations Management", which demonstrated the application of data-driven decision analysis in operations management through case studies. Professor Francisco Saldanha da Gama from the University of Lisbon, Portugal, presented a report titled "Time Dependent Decisions in Hub Location and Routing", discussing the correlation of time related decisions in the context of hub location and routing issues. Professor Martin Dresner from the University of Maryland in the United States conducted a report titled "Delivering Restaurant Sales Through Last mile Delivery Platform Partnerships", studying the impact of "Last Mile" delivery platform cooperation on the direct sales channels of American city chain restaurants. Vicenc Fernandez, Associate Professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain, presented a report titled "Qualitative Comparative Analysis: an approach based on Boolean algebra", introducing a qualitative comparative analysis research method for analyzing complex causal relationships. Professor Muhammet Deveci from University College London, UK, presented a report titled "Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications", introducing the latest developments in the application of fuzzy sets and their extensions. Associate Professor Eva Gallardo Gallardo of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain, presented a report titled "Mastering Systematic Literature Reviews", providing answers to questions on how to write a systematic literature review and publish it in the top issue.


Keynote speaker

On July 27th, Professor Guan Zhongliang, Vice President of Beijing Jiaotong University, led a delegation on an intercollegiate visit to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Group photo of meeting with the Vice President of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

During the meeting with Professor Wong Kwok-hsien, Vice President of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Professor Guan Zhongliang congratulated our school on the successful hosting of two international academic conferences in Hong Kong. He warmly welcomed the visit of Kwan Chung-liang and his delegation to the university. Both sides shared insights into the development history and disciplinary planning of their respective schools and engaged in extensive discussions on international talent cultivation and scientific research within their specialized fields. Notably, they reached a consensus on joint student training and deep collaboration in disciplines such as rail transit and logistics management. The delegation included Professor Shi Xianliang, Dean of the School of Economics and Management at Beijing Jiaotong University, Professor Li Xuewei, Professor Zhang Juliang, Associate Professor Xie Xiang, and Associate Professor Gong Daqing.


Communication site

On July 27th, the LISS conference collaborated with the "Behavioral Knowledge Engineering Research Center of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University" to organize the "Transport Research Workshop." The workshop featured a keynote speech by Professor Yang Hai, a lecturer at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, titled "Combining Booking and Rational Strategies for Equitable Travel Demand Management."

Subsequently, distinguished researchers including Professor Paul Tae Woo Lee from Zhejiang University, Professor Adolf Ng from the United School of International Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University, Professor Volodymyr Bilotkach from Purdue University, and Professor Li Hongchang from Beijing Jiao Tong University, presented cutting-edge research topics in various transportation modes, covering sea freight, air freight, and railway transportation. Keynote reports addressed significant themes such as "enhancing the resilience of transportation modes" and "energy conservation and emission reduction."

The workshop concluded with a roundtable discussion (Panel Discussion), where the invited experts engaged in a lively conversation on the research hotspots within their respective fields. Additionally, the workshop featured 9 paper presentations, offering valuable opportunities for young scholars and graduate students from mainland China and Hong Kong to share their research results and engage in knowledge exchange.


Workshop Site

The conference further conducted 12 group paper presentations in a parallel venue from July 26th to 28th. A substantial turnout of nearly 130 scholars from 13 countries and regions worldwide registered and actively participated online in the LISS2023 and IEIS2023 academic conferences.


On site at the branch venue

Simultaneously, 71 young scholars representing 11 universities across 8 countries and regions actively participated in the opening ceremony of the two international academic conferences. This inclusive gathering encompassed the 8th Doctoral Consortium of Sino EU Doctoral School for Logistics, Information, Management, and Service Science. The thematic reports presented during this conference, along with the dissemination and exchange of research papers in related fields, garnered significant interest and enthusiastic responses from the attending scholars. Both domestic and international academic organizations, as well as renowned universities and scholars, expressed congratulations through various means. Springer Nature has affirmed its commitment to supporting, publishing, and promoting the collections of papers from both conferences, ensuring their submission to the CPCI-S and EI databases upon publication.

Upon the request of the University of Cairo, Egypt, and with the approval of the conference organizing committee, the 14th Logistics, Informatics, and Service Science (LISS) Conference, along with the 11th Industrial Economic Systems (IEIS) Conference, will be hosted by the University of Cairo in Egypt in July 2024.

Conference Introduction:

The LISS conference is a collaborative initiative of Beijing Jiao Tong University ICIR, the University of Reading in the UK, Pennsylvania State University, and the University of California, Berkeley. Its purpose is to bring together experts, scholars, and industry professionals in the domains of logistics, information technology, and service science. The conference serves as a platform for discussing academic matters, identifying future development opportunities and trends, and exchanging the latest research findings and academic ideas.

Similarly, the Industrial Economic Systems (IEIS) Conference, jointly initiated and founded by Beijing Jiao Tong University NAES, Beijing Jiao Tong University ICIR, and the University of California, Berkeley, focuses on gathering global experts, scholars, and business professionals. The IEIS Conference is dedicated to addressing national strategic needs and cutting-edge disciplines in the field of industrial economy and industrial security across various countries. Utilizing scientific ideas, methods, and technologies, the conference conducts research and discussions on academic issues in the realm of industrial economy and industrial security. It aims to provide scientific solutions to major challenges in the national economy, social development, and economic security of diverse nations.

Both conferences, LISS and IEIS, have obtained approval from the Ministry of Education and have been successfully conducted, thanks to the unwavering support and assistance from school leaders, relevant regulatory departments, and the leaders and teachers of the School of Economics and Management at Beijing Jiaotong University. The conferences have also received financial backing from various sources, including the Wang Kuancheng Foundation of the Ministry of Education, the China Europe Engineering Education Alliance, the China Europe Doctoral School of Logistics, Informatization, Management, and Service Sciences, as well as the IEEE SMC Logistics Informatization and Industrial Security System Professional Committee. Additional support comes from the Beijing Logistics Informatization Research Base and international institutions such as the University of Reading in the UK, University of California, Berkeley in the United States, Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Spain, University of Sydney in Australia, Kyoto University in Japan, and University of Toronto in Canada.

The LISS conference has achieved successful editions for 12 consecutive sessions, hosted at prestigious institutions such as Beijing Jiao Tong University in China, University of Reading in the UK, University of California, Berkeley in the United States, Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Spain, University of Sydney in Australia, Kyoto University in Japan, University of Toronto in Canada, University of Maryland in the United States, and Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Hungary (online). Similarly, the IEIS conference has seen 9 successful editions, held at renowned institutions including the University of California, Berkeley, Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Spain, University of Sydney in Australia, Kyoto University in Japan, University of Toronto in Canada, University of Maryland in the United States, Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Hungary (online), Beijing Jiao Tong University in China (online), and Hong Kong Polytechnic University in China (online). Both the LISS and IEIS conferences have gained international recognition as premier academic events in the fields of logistics informatization, industrial security, and related disciplines, establishing a substantial academic impact.