The third face-to-face meeting of economics editors in chief and academic public welfare live broadcast of Beijing Jiaotong University were reported by QS official news website
Article source: |Release date: 02-Aug-2023|Clicks:511

QS Global Education News reported on the third face-to-face meeting of economics editors hosted by the School of Economics and Management at Beijing Jiaotong University. Co-organized by Elsevier Group and the Management Home Forum, the meeting received extensive coverage in the newsletter published in July 2023. The report highlighted the significant components of the event, emphasizing the editor-in-chief plenary meeting and seven editor-in-chief series special lectures.

The face-to-face meeting, now in its third year, aligns with Beijing Jiaotong University's philosophy of "knowing and doing." It embodies the principles of academic communication and public welfare, providing diverse platforms and practical international research and exchange channels for scholars, teachers, and students from major domestic universities. The event, particularly beneficial for young scholars in China, serves as a high-level, inclusive, and actively open academic exchange platform for Chinese economists. It plays a crucial role in promoting the localization of academic research, diversifying communication channels, expanding communication space, and enhancing the international academic influence of disciplines.

QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) stands as a prominent global higher education research institution, renowned for its QS World University Rankings, which have become the world's foremost source of university performance comparison data. QS Global Education News serves as the official news website of QS, dedicated to presenting the latest developments and accomplishments of globally esteemed universities across various disciplines, encompassing natural sciences, humanities, and more.

The website focuses on highlighting exceptional achievements in higher education, covering topics such as decision-making, bilateral and multilateral cooperation, and international conferences. It operates as an online platform where higher education institutions and affiliated organizations can submit news reports and press releases, providing a space for renowned universities to showcase their comprehensive strengths and extend their international influence. QS Global Education News is a valuable and effective platform for enhancing the international visibility of institutions in the higher education landscape.

The third face-to-face meeting of economics editors took place successfully from June 20 to 28, 2023, at the School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University. This gathering brought together the editor-in-chief of seven distinguished journals in the field of economics, including the American Economic Review, one of the "Big Five" journals, and the top three journals in finance such as the Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Financial Economics, Urban Economics, Development Economics, and International Journal of Industrial Organization. Accompanying them were domestic academic authorities, engaging in discussions on journal publication and the latest research across various domains.

The meeting featured two main modules. The first was a plenary meeting of the chief editors, where the seven chief editors collectively analyzed the positioning, characteristics, review processes, and requirements of each journal. This allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the focal points and challenges associated with writing and submissions. The second module comprised seven thematic lectures by the chief editors. Each editor presented their latest research, inviting two renowned scholars from both domestic and international fields to provide in-depth commentary.

This high-profile event attracted over 80,000 participants, offering a platform with elevated positioning, cutting-edge themes, rich content, multi-dimensional interactions, and innovative activity formats. Scholars and faculty from 545 institutions worldwide, including Princeton University, University of California, Berkeley, Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, University of Chicago, Imperial College of Technology, Tsinghua University, Peking University, and the University of Hong Kong, registered to attend. The conference garnered widespread attention from various academic groups and media outlets, leading to subsequent reports from numerous institutions and platforms.

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