"Exploring a New Organizational Model for Major Engineering Construction and Supporting the High Quality Development of Major Projects in the Capital" Engineering Management Department Teachers and Students Visited the Beijing Housing Industrial
Article source: |Release date: 26-Sep-2023|Clicks:412

On the morning of September 19, 2023, Professor Liu Yuming from the Engineering Management Department of the School of Economics and Management led Professor Tang Yongzhong, Professor Guo Wenqian, and academic master's students in engineering and project management, as well as master's students in engineering management (MEM), to conduct on-site research and study on the public rental housing project in the 18th block of Shunyi New City. Focusing on the construction and management practice of the first Shunyi public rental housing prefabricated EPC project in Beijing to adopt the EPC engineering general contracting model, Professor Liu Yuming and Liu Liping, Deputy General Manager of Beijing Housing Industrialization Group, as well as other enterprise and project executives, conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on how to "explore innovation in the organizational mode of major engineering construction, create a high-quality development model in the new era, and help the capital's major engineering construction open up a new chapter".


The 18th Block Public Rental Housing Project in Shunyi New City is Beijing's first prefabricated affordable housing project to adopt the EPC engineering general contracting model. It is located in Houshayu Town, Shunyi District, with a total construction area of 370000 square meters and an EPC contract amount of approximately 1.68 billion yuan. It is constructed and operated by Beijing Yanshun Affordable Housing Investment Co., Ltd. The EPC engineering general contracting unit is Beijing Housing Industrialization Group Co., Ltd. This project's total number of housing units is 3753, all of which are public rental housing with basic service facilities such as small commercial service buildings, elderly activity stations, and community health service stations. According to the planning and design requirements, this project will mainly be used to solve the housing problem of employees in the Shunyi Campus of Friendship Hospital.




China's economic and social development has entered a new era of high-quality products. The construction industry must transform and upgrade as a pillar industry of the national economy. The country has successively issued policy documents such as the "Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Sustainable and Healthy Development of the Construction Industry," "Several Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of Engineering General Contracting," and "Guiding Opinions on Vigorously Developing Prefabricated Buildings," The development direction has been pointed out for promoting the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry and innovating the organizational model of major engineering construction. It is in this context that the Shunyi New City project, from early planning and design (E), component production (P), construction and assembly to internal decoration (C), is independently completed by Beijing Housing Industry Group, achieving full process integration, all-round high collaboration, and full element integration of engineering construction. It thoroughly explores the "dual" intrinsic value of the engineering general contracting model and prefabricated buildings and realizes customer value. The win-win situation of enterprise and social value, exploring a new model different from traditional construction general contracting, and ultimately achieving innovation and sustainable development of enterprise business models. Both parties conducted thorough discussions on the policy situation, practical application, and development direction of prefabricated buildings and EPC engineering general contracting models to assist in the high-quality development of significant projects in the capital. They summarized and refined innovative organizational models for major engineering construction.


Professor Liu Yuming stated that accelerating the promotion of the engineering general contracting model represented by the EPC model has become an important development direction for the "transformation and upgrading" of China's construction industry. The construction industry needs to seize the new development opportunities faced by the current "prefabricated construction+EPC" model. Professor Liu Yuming also introduced the case study of significant engineering EPC general contracting projects in China and deeply analyzed how to achieve innovation in the management system and operating mechanism of the EPC available contracting model, thereby promoting the high-quality development of engineering general contracting and achieving the goals of improving quality, efficiency, and sustainable development.

This activity is mainly carried out through school-enterprise cooperation, exchange talks, and on-site research, promoting deep integration and complementary advantages of industry, academia, research and application.