2017 Second Quarterly Work Report of SEM has been Released
Article source: |Release date: 15-Sep-2017|Clicks:776

 2017 Second Quarterly Work Report of SEM BJTU.pdf

Recently, the International Accreditation and Strategic Planning Office of the School, together with other departments, has compiled the 2017 Second Quarterly Work Report of School of Economics and Management, which comprehensively presents the work progress and achievements from April to June of the School from 8 perspectives including Strategy Development, Programmes, Students, Faculty, Research and Development, Resources and Administration, Corporate Connections and Internationalization. Among them, the Third Communist Party Member of School was successfully held; the work of two international accreditations was in progress; the third session of International Advisory Committee Meeting of School obtained the social praise; the international journal, Journal of Economic Security, was established; the discipline of management of School was ranked Top 300 in the Shanghai Rankings Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2017- Management; the deep cooperation between the School and corporates gained outstanding achievements. Compared to the first quarterly work report, the second quarterly work report shows more abundant information, richer content and achievements, which is definitely related to the efforts of faculty and the administrative departments. And we believe that with the joint efforts, the quarterly work report would gradually become one of the significant platforms to show the unique feature of construction and education of School.