Our Faculties and Students Japan Visit to Participate in the Sino-Japanese Youth Science and Technology Exchange Project: Sakura Science Program
Article source: |Release date: 17-Nov-2016|Clicks:983

From October 10 to October 21 2016, 10 young faculties and graduate students of the International Center for Information Management Theory Research of BJTU (ICIR) visited the Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems of Waseda University and participated in the Sakura Science Program organized by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). With thoroughly planning, organizing and implementing of both sides, the program reached the target and achieved its complete success. Besides, the activity has been strongly supported by the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Office of Science and Technology and the Office of the International Affairs of Beijing Jiaotong University.


During the ten-day visit, with the accompany and arrangement of the dean of IPS of Waseda University Prof. Osamu Yoshie and many Japanese scholars and graduates, the faculties and students of the program took part in the welcoming ceremony and the graduation ceremony, visited many companies and institutions, including Waseda University, Kitakyushu Academic Research Park, Munsang Container Terminal, TOTO Co., Ltd., Kitakyushu Plantof Nissan Co., Ltd., Japan Aquatic Products Co.,Ltd., Kitakyushu Museum of Nature and Humanities, and the Environment Museum, etc.. Besides, they joined 6 seminars for production, study, research and application. And the faculties, students and business representatives delivered speeches in the seminars. They discussed the achievements and plans of the academic research, introduced the experiences and achievements of "production, study and research", and discussed the cooperation possibility and methods in related fields. Meanwhile, they also participated in the art lectures and experience activitiesof the Japanese tea culture and ikebanain the campus.


The event further deepened the mutual understanding between Beijing Jiaotong University and Waseda University, enhanced the desire for cooperative research in related disciplines, and further stimulated the enthusiasm of faculties and graduate students for the development of science and technology. We look forward to the early visit of Waseda University faculties and students.