Comprehensive Report on The 2nd International AcademicConference in Theme of "Management ? Innovation ? Development" (MID 2015)
Article source: |Release date: 28-Dec-2015|Clicks:1563





The 13th Annual Academic Meeting initiated by National Research Institute of Economics & Management Colleges on Industrial Technology and the 2nd International Academic Conference in the Theme of "Management ? Innovation ? Development" (MID 2015) undertaken by the School of Economics &Management of Beijing Jiaotong University was successfully held in Xi'an Jiaotong University from December 11 to December 13, 2015.


Opening ceremony of this meeting was staged in the lecture hall of the School of Management of Xi'an Jiaotong University. More than 130 experts and scholars from academic circle, industrial circle and other fields attended the event. ZengXiaochun -- director of the National Research Institute of Economics & Management Colleges on Industrial Technology, JiaYihua -- vice-president of scientific research institute of Xi'an Jiaotong University, and Weiwei -- assistant dean of Economics & Finance School of Xi'an Jiaotong University respectively presented a speech in the meeting. Prof. Fan Xiufeng -- a member of the Party Branch Committee of international trade department affiliated to the School of Economics & Finance of Xi'an Jiaotong University presided over this international academic conference. Prof. Zhang Mingyu, Prof. Zhang Wensong, Prof. Xiaoxiang, Prof. Yuqing, Prof. Wu Wenbing, associate professor Zhang Jinxin, associate professor Li Yuanhui, associate professor Xing Yijun, associate professor Jing Zhucui and lecturer Weiwei from our school attended the meeting.


After the opening ceremony, Prof. Eric Liu -- an academician of UK Higher Education Academy and the research director of entrepreneurship and regional economics department of Birmingham University, Liqi -- assistant director of the teaching guidance commission of Education Ministry for e-commerce majors, a member of the E-commerce Expert Advisory Committee of Commerce Ministry and a professor from Economics & Finance School of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Prof. Zhang Mingyu -- vice-director of the National Research Institute of Economics & Management Colleges on Industrial Technology and Party committee secretary of Economics &Management School of Beijing Jiaotong University respectively made theme reports in the meeting. This meeting also arranged three parallel sub-forums for academic exchanges. Focusing on the theme of this meeting -- "Innovation drives the development, Strategy leads the future", experts elaborated their own ideas.


Prof. Eric Liu delivered a report in a title of "Entrepreneur mobility and global talent management", which included two major issues. Firstly, while great efforts has been made to introduce high-level overseas talents in China under the background of global talent mobility, those high-level talents faces with a lot of problems after returning to homeland, especially on how to integrate with the Chinese culture in a better way. Thus, a comparative analysis was conducted for entrepreneurs on the problem about how to adjust themselves to integrate with commercial culture in China. Secondly, the Prof. Liu analyzed the problem of management over global talents. Prof. Liu hoped that more studies and policies can be served as support for new-type innovative companies to develop their own talent management strategy.


Prof. Liqi delivered a report in a title of "Coordinate five kinds of power to develop e-commerce in innovative manners", in which he believed that considerable development of e-commerce needs the coordination of five kinds of power respectively from government, industry, school, scientific research and application; needs innovative talents to be trained, innovative projects to be developed and innovative products to be produced; based on which to transform traditional industries, lines of business and enterprises and actualize the blue print of "Internet +", promoting our country to realize economic transformation and upgrading and develop towards high-end manufacturing industry, modern service industry and other orientation.


Prof. Zhang Mingyu also delivered a report in a title of "Study on development strategy for logistics of agricultural products -- "indomitable spirit" in scientific research". With the "study on development strategy for logistics of agricultural products" conducted by Developmental Strategy Institute of Beijing Jiaotong University as an example, Prof. Zhang reported relevant results and breakthrough having been made by the study and major fields and directions of the current study, and gave an objective and detailed answer for the common technical problem -- "How to dock scientific research to practice and how to transform scientific research into actual productivity". Based on Prof. Zhang's report, we can build up a complete system for reviewing and assessing scientific efforts, obtain a concrete reference model and implement path for review and assessment upon scientific efforts and determining and achieving research objectives, thus the report has a strong sense of forward-looking and directive features.


Sub-forum 1 has been held in Room 314 of Management School of Xi'an Jiaotong University, where 6 authors reported their research results, all of whom are from Beijing Jiaotong University. Associate professor Li Yuanhui delivered a report in the title of "CSR and cost of equity", in which he utilized data of companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Markets to prove that corporate social responsibility had positive influence onto financing costs of enterprises and non-state-owned shares had positive regulating effect onto this theoretical relationship. Lecturer Weiwei delivered a report in the title of "A framework for studying strategic management of Chinese firms: an institutional perspective", in which he listed some findings of empirical studies on strategic management over Chinese enterprises reflecting characteristics of political systems in China which have been published in high-level international journals within the latest five years, categorized and summed up primary effects of political association, development of regional system and private equity upon performance and actions of enterprises and their regulating effects upon other theoretical relationships, and also sorted out the recent trend of research. GengXiaoguang delivered a report in the title of "A research on the current situation of rural E-commerce", in which he made a forecast on the scale of the e-commerce market in rural areas, deeply studied the problems in the developing process and puts forward some feasible measures to solve bottleneck problems confronted by e-commerce in rural areas. Liupan delivered a report in the title of "Analysis of staff turnover and countermeasures in H company", in which he scientifically and objectively analyzed the cause of staff loss occurred in H company based on management science, human resource management and relevant theories and proposed some appropriate solutions which will improve the serious situation on staff loss and help the company to achieve sustainable development. Yinchao delivered a report in the title of "Research on the key issues of 'farming-supermarket' docking under the background of 'internet plus'", in which he suggested that how to effectively realize the farming-supermarket docking was an essential issue in recent research on retail trade and circulation of agricultural products, and resources coordination based on farming-supermarket docking under the background of "Internet +" will effectively solve the problem of partial block of information on supply and demand of agricultural products. Zhangfa delivered a report in the title of "Forecasting Chinas train express transportation volume by the grey-markov chain forecast model", in which he expatiated the feasibility of express delivery by high-speed railway, expounded with emphasis onto the prediction model of Grey Markov Chain and made a relatively accurate prediction on the traffic volume of express delivery by high-speed railway in the following five years. After all the reports delivered and with the feelings of having not given full expression to their views, experts and scholars launched academic exchanges again with reporters over the interesting research points.


Sub-forum 2 has been held in Room 315 of Management School of Xi'an Jiaotong University. Yan Yongping -- the standing vice-chairman of China's Association of Speech, vice-president of the General League of Chinese Lecturers Around the World, speaker of the course -- Practical Skills on Speech & Eloquence (00690762) for current students in Tsinghua University and tutor of the second classroom for targeted-area students in Tsinghua University, delivered a wonderful report in the title of "The art of speech and communication skills". In his report, Yan Yongping elaborated the importance of good eloquence and shared the tips of improving skills of speech and eloquence with well-documented and extensive evidence. He reputed that people shall set up moral examples, do deeds of merit and achieve glory by writing. People shall have words to say, justify themselves, give splendid speech, write and propound ideas. The second reporter was Liu Lijing who is a authenticated lecturer of China's TA Association, one of the first consultants for TA application of communication analysis in China and a psychological consultant at national level-2. His report was in the title of "Study on psychological mechanism of the win-win objective for negotiation based on TA theory", which explained the way to achieve the win-win objective in negotiation from the perspective of psychology. The third reporter was Prof. Shang Yufan -- vice secretary of the Party committee of Management School of Xi'an Jiaotong University, who delivered a wonderful report in the title of "'significance assigning' and management communication". All seats in the second meeting hall are occupied. Reports in this hall triggered off great interests of teachers and students. Participants put questions enthusiastically. Many teachers and students said that they obtained a lot of benefit.


Sub-forum 3 was held in the 2nd conference room on the 16th floor of main teaching building in Xi'an Jiaotong University. Prof. Wang Jianming from Business Administration College of Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics delivered a report in the title of "Teaching materials, teaching processes and characteristics of business negotiation under Chinese situation". RuanZiwen -- founder and chief lawyer of Guangxi Beth Law Firm (Nanning), and an academic adviser of communication & negotiation committee of the National Research Institute of Economics & Management Colleges on Industrial Technology, delivered a report in the title of "Practical suggestions for business negotiation and case teaching". Aldlrn Speck -- officer of the Brazilian Esperanto Association and person in charge for Brazil of the Esperanto Economic & Trade Organization, talked freely on the topic of "Analysis on cultural differences in business negotiations between China and Brazil". Finally, Wang Tianyi -- president of the International Esperanto Economic & Trade Organization, director of All-China Esperanto Association and chairman of Xi'an Esperanto Association delivered a report in the title of "Study on One Belt & One Road of Eden in Iran" and shared his research results based on investigation in Iran. Participants from all over the world took part in the discussion. Strong reactions were aroused by the wonderful report contents.


Closing ceremony of the 2nd International Academic Conference in Theme of "Management ? Innovation ? Development" (MID 2015) was grandly held in the 2nd conference room on the 16th floor of main teaching building in Xi'an Jiaotong University on December 13 with Prof. Zhang Mingyu as the host.


The first part was the award ceremony for outstanding papers. Prof. Zhang Mingyu mentioned that 9 papers of 168 papers were selected as outstanding ones through strict evaluation conducted by celebrated experts and scholars, including 2 papers as winners of the first prize, 3 papers as winners of the second prize and 4 papers as winners of the third prize. At the closing ceremony, Prof. Zhang Mingyu announced the winner's list and invited famous experts and scholars to present prize.


The second part of the closing ceremony was the summing up made by Zen Xiaochun -- director of the National Research Institute of Economics & Management Colleges on Industrial Technology. Zen sent his congratulations on the success of the meeting and wholehearted thanks to guests attending the meeting and authors having submitted papers from different countries and regions. He pointed out that promoting cooperation and development by mutual learning about and benefiting from others' experience had been achieved by face-to-face communication, exchange and discussion among participants of the meeting.


The 2nd International Academic Conference in Theme of "Management ? Innovation ? Development" (MID 2015) received 256 papers from over 30 universities and research institutions at home and abroad, such as Xi'an Jiaotong University, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing university of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Beijing Normal University, Xiamen University, Zhengzhou University, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Xi'an Institute of Foreign Affairs, China Institute of Labor Relations, Shenyang Institute of Technology, Wuhan College of Commerce, People's Bank of China, Bank of China, China ICBC and etc. After several rounds of review conducted by experts, 168 papers at home and from abroad were selected to be published in the meeting. Those 146 papers having been selected by the 1st International Academic Conference in Theme of "Management ? Innovation ? Development" (MID 2015) have been recorded by ISTP/ISSHP retrieval. Papers selected for this meeting will be published as conference literature by Australia EAF in the form of conference proceedings. Besides, papers selected for this meeting will be sent to CPCI for review and recording and will be retrieved by ISTP/ISSHP. In order to increase the times of being cited, all papers selected for this meeting will enter into Australia SEI Database ( in full text for retrieval and special issue will be released to more than 200 colleges and research institutions in the world.


In a topical subject of "Innovation drives the development, Strategy leads the future", this meeting aimed to strengthen the communication and understanding between management theory and practical realm, enhance the cooperation and understanding among domestic colleges on economics and management, build up a platform for high-level academic communication and talent exchange, and discuss industry reform and management innovation in the Internet era, which served as a grand feast for economics of industrial technology and business administration and provided experts and scholars with a display stage for their latest research achievements and innovative technologies.