Our University Undertook "2013 Sino-US Famous University Expert Economic and Cultural Forum"
Article source: |Release date: 19-Jul-2013|Clicks:1237



On July 19, 2013 Sino-US Famous University Expert Economic and Cultural Forum was held at the Little Theater of Beijing Jiaotong University by eight experts and professors from the United States Ivy League Universities and School of Economics & Management of Beijing Jiaotong University. 

During the Forum, Zhang Li, associate dean of School of Economics & Management, Liu Jiqiang, associate dean of School of Computer & Information Technology, and Mr Huang Zhongyang, marketing director of GSS Summer School made a speech, and made an introduction of their schools respectively. Professors from both sides made a warm and friendly discussion and exchange of US accounting research and speculation in future profession, those who benefits from the opening of free trade area, the impact of transitional economies on environment, the reason why it is important to study the history of art, international cross-cultural college teaching, corporate social responsibility in China, and other aspects of economy and culture in both China and the United States. 

Dr Yao Lijie of School of Economics & Management hosted the Forum, Professor Ding Huiping and Dr Yao Lijie made a keynote speech, and more than 60 graduate students and undergraduate students participated in this Forum.