Start of the first Undergraduate Accounting “BJTU CCCC” Concentration Internship Program in School of Economics & Management
Article source: |Release date: 14-Sep-2013|Clicks:1658


Recently, our School’s first undergraduate accounting “BJUCCCC” Concentration Internship Program was started in Sidong 611. Guo Xuemeng, vice President of Graduate School of Beijing Jiaotong University, Cui Yongmei, vice secretary and deputy dean of School of Economics & Management, Li Yuanhui, director of Alumni Office of School of Economics & Management, and some teachers and students of the Accounting Department took part in the meeting.

Guo Xuemeng pointed out that this Concentration Internship Program is an important part of national accounting professional comprehensive reform pilot, and also a new breakthrough in the field of cooperation on the basis of long-term friendly cooperation between Beijing Jiaotong University and China Communications Construction Company Ltd. She hoped that students should take this practice seriously and responsibly, grasp this opportunity, work hard, and obtain valuable experience. Cui Yongmei and course teachers shared their experience and understanding of practice with students, telling students to make full use of this opportunity for future career planning and do credit to Beijing Jiao University and School of Economics & Management as a qualified intern! The meeting went well in a warm atmosphere for a good communication and interaction between teachers and students, and thus laid a solid foundation for the Program.

The full name of CCCC is China Communications Construction Company Ltd, one world’s 500-top enterprise, mainly engaged in ports, wharfs, sea-lanes, highways, bridges, railways, tunnels, municipal infrastructure construction and real estate development, etc., also an alumni enterprise that has a long-term strategic cooperation with our University. A number of outstanding alumni work in this enterprise that boasts enormous potentiality and rich management experience.