School of Management and Engineering Held the First “Upperclassmen Teach Me How to Do Research” Academic Symposium
Article source: |Release date: 18-Nov-2013|Clicks:1077

Introduction of the speaker:
Introduction of the lecture:

In the afternoon of Nov. 14th 2013, School of Management and Engineering held the First “Upperclassmen Teach Me How to Do Research” Academic Symposium. Over 80 graduate students attended it. Zhou Jianqin, Secretary of General Party Branch and Vice-dean of the School of Management and Engineering presided over the Symposium. 
On invitation, graduate student Han Junjun of class 2011 of the School gave an academic report under the title of “Managing Supply Uncertainty Using Real Option and Dual Sourcing Strategy”, which discussed the conditions and strategies of applying real option in dual-source purchase. Based on his research process, Han Junjun had a deep exchange on how to select topic, how to do literature review, model building and analysis with the graduate students present at the Symposium. Han Junjun also displayed a research report he wrote in early stage. He encouraged the audience to be fearless of difficulties and brave in exploration, compact their research orientation and work patiently. He told them that constant effort yields sure success.    
 “Upperclassmen Teach Me How to Do Research” Academic Symposium Series is one of the specific steps to carry out the spirit of the Graduate Student Colloquium of School of Economics and Management of This Semester. It aims to motivate graduate students to take their classmates as example, learn their upperclassmen’s valuable experience in research, and study patiently to make better research results and improve their own research ability and level.