• Bu, Wei
  • Title: Professor
  • E-mail: bwei@bjtu.edu.cn
  • Department: Economics
Education Background

Bachelor:1989-09--1993-07-,Business Administration,Henan University of Finance and Economics

Bachelor:198909-199306,Administration of Industry and Commerce,Henan University of Finance and Economics

Master:1993-09--1996-07-,Industrial foreign trade,Beijing industry university

Master:199309-199606,Industrial Foreign Trade,Beijing University of Technology

Ph.D.:1996-09--1999-07-,Tnternational trade,University of International business and Economics

Ph.D.:199609-199906,International Trade,University of International Business and Economics

Work Experience(Including Academic Visiting)

1.2011-12-01,Beijing Jiaotong University,Professor

2.2009-02-01,2009-07-01,University of Hull,Visiting Scholar

3.2002-12-01,2011-11-01,Beijing Jiaotong University,Associate Professor

4.1999-07-01,2002-11-01,Beijing Jiaotong University,Lecturer

Research Interests

the International Trade,International Direct Investment,Industrial Policy,the Industrial Safety

Research Project
1. Academic Research

1. (CO-PI)Research on intelligent and efficient energy simulation technology of large-scale economic security system,Beijing Municipal Education Commission,CO-PI:Li, M.(2020-01-01 - 2022-12-31).

2. (CO-PI)Experience and policy research on the transfer and transformation system of scientific and technological achievements at home and abroad,Other Departments,CO-PI:Guo, L.(2019-12-09 - 2020-12-31).

3. (CO-PI)Research on the present situation, problems and financial structure of scientific and technological innovation of high-tech industry in Beijing,Beijing Philosophy and Social Affairs Office,CO-PI:Jia, X.(2019-11-15 - 2021-07-01).

4. (CO-PI)Scientific research base—Construction funds of Beijing Industrial Security and Development Research Base in 2019—Research on systematic financial risk assessment and early warning in Beijing,Beijing Municipal Education Commission,CO-PI:Li, M.(2019-11-01 - 2020-11-01).

5. (CO-PI)Research on the formation mechanism of railway tariff,National Development and Reform Commission,CO-PI:Li, W.(2019-09-23 - 2020-06-30).

6. (CO-PI)A study on the prominent risks and countermeasures in the economic field during the 14th Five-Year Plan period,National Development and Reform Commission,CO-PI:Li, M.(2019-08-01 - 2019-12-31).

7. (CO-PI)Research on the construction strategy of transportation system in Beijing Airport Economic Zone (2),Beijing High-End Think Tank Project,CO-PI:Li, H.(2019-07-01 - 2019-12-31).

8. (CO-PI)Research on the economy of high speed railway transportation,National Railway Administration of the Peoples Republic of China,CO-PI:Li, W.(2019-04-01 - 2020-06-30).

9. (CO-PI)Research on the calculation of train class and passenger car seat cost in the formation of high-speed railway ticket price,Major Cultivation Project Supported by Humanities and Social Sciences of Basic Scientific Research Operating Expenses,CO-PI:Li, W.(2019-03-15 - 2026-09-30).

10. (PI)Research on Industrial upgrading of Tianjin Hebei Province from Regional value chain perspective.,Beijing Philosophy and Social Affairs Office,PI:Bu, W.(2018-09-01 - 2021-06-30).

11. (CO-PI)Construction funds of scientific research base philosophy society base Beijing Industrial Security and development research base in 2018,Beijing Municipal Education Commission,CO-PI:Li, M.(2018-06-08 - 2019-06-30).

12. (CO-PI)Study on operation mode of container near inland port system in Shenzhen port,Other Departments,CO-PI:Li, H.(2018-05-08 - 2024-12-31).

13. (CO-PI)Research on the role of government in the construction of science and technology innovation center,Beijing Science & Technology Commission,CO-PI:Feng, H.(2018-05-01 - 2019-04-30).

14. (CO-PI)Research on route and countermeasure of Chinas industrial transfer under Belt and Road Initiative,Major Cultivation Project Supported by Humanities and Social Sciences of Basic Scientific Research Operating Expenses,CO-PI:Zhang, W.(2017-09-10 - 2022-09-30).

15. (CO-PI)Research on evaluation index system of safety chain of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei iron and steel industry,Beijing Philosophy and Social Affairs Office,CO-PI:Li, W.(2017-07-01 - 2020-07-01).

16. (CO-PI)Research on the theory of negative interest rate,National Social Science Foundation of China General Program,CO-PI:Ruan, J.(2017-06-30 - 2021-06-30).

17. (CO-PI)Construction of scientific research base—Philosophical social sciences base— Construction funds of Beijing Center for Industrial Security and Development Research in 2017,Beijing Municipal Education Commission,CO-PI:Li, M.(2017-05-01 - 2018-05-31).

18. (PI)Research on industrial safety—Theory, method and empirical analysis,Beijing Philosophy and Social Affairs Office,PI:Bu, W.(2017-03-01 - 2017-12-31).

19. (PI)Report on industrial safety and development in Beijing,Beijing Philosophy and Social Affairs Office,PI:Bu, W.(2017-01-19 - 2017-12-31).

20. (CO-PI)Research on Going Out industry choice and investment mode under the Belt and Road Initiative strategy,Special Project Supported by Humanities and Social Sciences of Basic Scientific Research Operating Expenses,CO-PI:Qi, J.(2017-01-01 - 2020-06-30).

21. (CO-PI)The Belt and Road Initiatives infrastructure network: Status, demand and potential,Basic Scientific Research Operating Expenses,CO-PI:Zhang, Q.(2017-01-01 - 2019-12-31).

22. (PI)Research on the system and mechanism of promoting the deep integration of technology and economy national social science major sub-topic 1: Study on mechanism of scientific innovation mechanism promoting deep fusion between science technology and economy,National Social Science Foundation of China Major Program,PI:Bu, W.(2016-12-16 - 2020-07-31).

23. (CO-PI)Research on the upgrading of manufacturing industry in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei based on the perspective of product space,Basic Scientific Research Operating Expenses,CO-PI:Zhang, M.(2016-01-15 - 2017-01-15).

24. (PI)2015 Annual report of Beijing industrial security and development research base,Beijing Philosophy and Social Affairs Office,PI:Bu, W.(2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31).

25. (PI)Zhe She Base—Beijing industrial security and development research base 2016 construction funds,Beijing Municipal Education Commission,PI:Bu, W.(2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31).

26. (CO-PI)Research on the content and evaluation index of national science and technology innovation center construction,Beijing Science & Technology Commission,CO-PI:Feng, H.(2015-06-01 - 2016-12-09).

27. (CO-PI)Research on the the 13th Five-Year Plan of national economic and social development in Jincheng,Other Departments,CO-PI:Feng, H.(2015-05-25 - 2017-06-30).

28. (PI)Scientific research and postgraduate training joint project-Scientific research project-Research on Beijings industrial upgrading based on regional value chain,Beijing Municipal Education Commission,PI:Bu, W.(2015-05-01 - 2015-12-31).

29. (PI)Philosopher Base-Beijing Center for Industrial Security and Development Research 2015 annual construction funds,Beijing Municipal Education Commission,PI:Bu, W.(2015-01-01 - 2015-12-31).

30. (CO-PI)Philosopher Base-Beijing Transportation Institute 2015 annual construction funds,Beijing Municipal Education Commission,CO-PI:Lin, X.(2015-01-01 - 2015-12-31).

2. Consulting Research

1. (CO-PI)Agreement on early warning advisory services for trade relief (2019-092),Social Science Commercially Funded Project,CO-PI:Liu, S.(2019-12-31 - 2020-10-31).

2. (CO-PI)Agreement on early warning advisory services for trade remedy (No. 2018-069),Social Science Commercially Funded Project,CO-PI:Liu, S.(2018-12-14 - 2019-08-31).

3. (CO-PI)Research on dynamic mechanism and incentive mechanism of technology transfer mechanism,Social Science Commercially Funded Project,CO-PI:Feng, H.(2018-12-01 - 2020-06-30).

4. (CO-PI)Research on the revision of the outline of the 13th Five-Year plan of Chongqing Rail Transit Group,Social Science Commercially Funded Project,CO-PI:Li, H.(2018-01-01 - 2019-12-31).

5. (CO-PI)Tianjin transportation commission rail transit department Jinbin Light Rail Line 9 operation safety assessment service project—Safety management system safety consultation,Social Science Commercially Funded Project,CO-PI:Li, H.(2017-12-01 - 2020-12-31).

6. (CO-PI)Agreement on early warning advisory services for trade relief,Social Science Commercially Funded Project,CO-PI:Liu, S.(2017-10-17 - 2018-08-31).

7. (CO-PI)Research on metro economy and policy guarantee measures,Social Science Commercially Funded Project,CO-PI:Li, H.(2017-09-01 - 2019-12-31).

8. (CO-PI)Research on construction scheme of national technology transfer system,Beijing Jiaotong University,CO-PI:Feng, H.(2017-01-01 - 2017-12-31).

9. (PI)Research on the upgrading of modern banking industry and the security of financial industry,Beijing Jiaotong University,PI:Bu, W.(2013-05-22 - 2016-05-22).

Honors and Awards

1.2020-02-01,China Transportation Association

2.2019-01-01,Excellent paper award of academic activities of China Railway Association

3.2019-01-01,Excellent paper award of academic activities of China Railway Association

4.2017-01-01,Outstanding trade union workers of Beijing Jiaotong University

5.2017-01-01,Beijing Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award

6.2015-12-01,The college assesses excellent teachers

7.2015-11-01,Outstanding trade union workers of Beijing Jiaotong University

Teaching Courses


international trade

Industrial Economy Topics

Introduction to High Speed Rail Economics

Economic Research Methodology (A)

International trade practice simulation


International Trade and International Finance

Evidence of International Trade (Bilingual)

Economic Research Methods

Topic 5: Topic on International Trade

International Economic Topics (Bilingual)

Social research methods

Applied Economics Research Methodology

Economic Research Methodology

International Economic Topics

1. Peer Reviewed Journals

1. Li, M.,Bo, W., & Li, W.(2020).Exploration and practice of multi-dimensional tutorial system in the whole process,University Education.

2. Wei, L.,Bu, W., & Xia, J.(2019).The impact of high-speed rail on green productivity of star-rated hotels,Business Management Journal.

3. Yuan, J.,Bian, W., & Yang, Y.(2019).How to break through the double low-end lock of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei?—A study on the effects of industrial upgrading and economic growth based on regional value chain,Review of Industrial Economics.

4. Bo, W.,Yang, Y., & Chi, S.(2019).Study on influence of foreign trade commodity structure on upgrading industrial structure,Macroeconomics.

5. Qu, T.,& Bu, W.(2019).Research on the choice of industrial policy and enterprise innovation strategy,Studies in Science of Science.

6. Yi, Q.,& Bu, W.(2019).Intellectual Property rights protection law enforcement, technological innovation and industrial upgrading,Economic Survey.

7. Luo, Y.,& Bian, W.(2019).Research on attracting foreign capital ability and export competitiveness of Chinese manufacturing industry under the background of Re-industrialization in Europe and America,International Trade Forum.

8. Bu, W.,Wang, R., & Rui, G.(2019).Research on differential pricing of high-speed rail,Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition).

9. Xie, Z.,& Bu, W.(2018).Agglomeration and innovation of high-tech industry: Threshold Effect based on patent protection,Forum on Science and Technology in China.

10. Wei, L.,Bu, W., & Wang, Z.(2018).Promotion of tourism industry efficiency promoted by high-speed railway opening?—Empirical analysis based on provincial level in China,Business Management Journal.

11. Wei, L.,& Bu, W.(2018).Research on promoting effect of economic growth in national independent innovation demonstration zone,Science & Technology Progress and Policy.

12. Bu, W.,Yang, Y., & Li, J.(2018).Study on influence of FDI policy on OFDI,Macroeconomics.

13. Xie, Z.,& Bu, W.(2018).Agglomeration of science and technology service industry, regional innovation capacity and economic growth—A case study of Beijing,Social Sciences of Beijing.

14. Wang, X.,Wei, W., Ge, J., Wu, B., Bu, W., Li, J., Yao, M., & Guan, Q.(2017).Embodied rare earths flow between industrial sectors in China: A complex network approach,Resources, Conservation and Recycling.

15. Yuan, J.,& Bu, W.(2017).The influence of environmental regulation on industrial upgrading in Beijing,Urban Problems.

16. Ding, R.,& Bu, W.(2017).Analysis on evolution mechanism of mixed ownership based on subjective game theory,Inquiry Into Economic Issues.

17. Yang, G.,& Bu, W.(2017).The media integrates the Three Fifth Work Method,China Publishing Journal.

18. Xu, L.,& Bu, W.(2017).Mechanical and thermodynamic properties of AlX (X 等于 N, P, As) compounds,International Journal of Modern Physics B.

19. Bu, W.,Xie, Z., & Zhao, J.(2017).Characteristics, effect and evolution of Chinas industrial policy: Summary of the seminar on industrial policies,Research on Economics and Management.

20. Bu, W.,(2017).Facing steel production dilemma and troubleshooting surplus regulation problems—Comment on Professor Ma Wenjuns Industrial Optimal Demand Measurement and Overproduction Early Warning Regulation,Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business.

21. Zhang, M.,& Bu, W.(2016).A study on the problems and governance of chinese marine industry development,Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition).

22. Bo, W.,& Zhang, M.(2016).Summary of Forum on Industrial Safety and Development,Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business.

23. Bo, W.,& Fan, S.(2016).Life class should have value expectation,Journal of the Chinese Society of Education.

24. Xie, Z.,& Bu, W.(2016).Summary of forum meeting on industrial safety and development,Economic Perspectives.

25. Yang, G.,& Bu, W.(2016).Provide quantitative standards for the development of radio and television media integration,Peoples Daily.

26. Bu, W.,Xie, Z., & Duan, J.(2016).Research on industrial upgrading and influencing factors of bank industry in China,Macroeconomics.

27. Chen, Z.,Bu, W., & Song, J.(2016).Price fluctuation, risk hedge and choice of optimal point,Jounal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science).

28. Cui, L.,& Bu, W.(2015).Theoretical analysis on public life of good order under historical materialism,Henan Social Sciences.

29. Bu, W.,& Yi, Q.(2015).Study on influence of OFDI on industrial upgrading in China,Macroeconomics.

30. Chi, S.,Bu, W., & Duan, J.(2015).Choice criteria of individual customers bank selection in the background of interest rate liberalization: A study based on questionnaire survey in Changchun,Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition).

2. Textbook

1. Bu, W.Ye, S., Du, J., & Liu, S.,International Trade and International Finance (3rd Edition),Tsinghua University Press,2015-01.

3. Monographs

1. Bu, W.,Yu, X., Luo, Y., Wang, Y., Wang,Z., & Zhang, W.2019,Research on Industry Selection and Investment Mode of OFDI under the the Belt and Road Initiative,Economic Science Press.

2. Li, H.,Xiao, X., Zhou, H., Bu, W., Shi, M., Li, J., Duan, J., Zheng, K., Guo, L., & Jiao, J.2018,An Introduction to the Economics of High-speed Railway,China Railway Publishing House.

3. Ma, W.,Bu, W., & Yi, J.2018,Research on Industrial Security—Theory, Method and Demonstration,China Social Sciences Press.

4. Li, W.,& Bu, W.2016,Research Report on Industrial Security and Development in Beijing (2015),Social Science Academic Press(China).

5. Bu, W.,Xie, Z., Chen, C., Jia, S., Li, J., Li, M., Niu, L., Qiao, W., Xie, M., & Yang, S.2016,The Impact of FDI on Chinas Industry Security,Social Science Academic Press(China).

6. Bu, W.,& Li, W.2016,Report on Chinas FDI Industrial Control (2015-2016),Social Science Academic Press(China).

7. Duan, J.,& Bu, W.2016,Research on the Upgrading of Chinas Banking Industry,Social Science Academic Press(China).

8. Li, W.,& Bu, W.2016,Series on Beijing Industrial Security and Development Research Base of Beijing Jiaotong University,Social Science Academic Press(China).

9. Li, W.,& Bu, W.2015,Research Report on Industrial Security and Development in Beijing,Economic Science Press.

4. Academic/professional Meeting proceedings

1. Ni, X.,& Bu, W..2017.The study on Beijing electronic and information industry upgrading under the condition of global value chain[R].In:3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science Research (ICHSSR),2017-05.

5. Other publications

1. Liu, T., & Wang, Z.. .

2. & Liu, X.. .

3. & Luo, S.. .

4. & Lin, X.. .

Meeting Presentations

1. Liu, T., & Wang, Z.. .

2. & Liu, X.. .

3. & Luo, S.. .

4. & Lin, X.. .

Teaching Development Articles

1. Liu, T., & Wang, Z.. .

2. & Liu, X.. .

3. & Luo, S.. .

4. & Lin, X.. .

5. Bu, W.. Exploration and practice of optimizing and improving the training quality of graduate students in economics. 2019-01..

6. Bu, W.. Exploration and practice of economics research method curriculum construction. 2019-01..

7. Bu, W.. Reflections on the cultivation of doctoral students in school of economics and mManagement. Beijing Jiaotong University Graduate student teaching reform papers collection. 2018-10..

8. Bu, W., Li, J.. Thoughts on the evaluation and organization of graduation thesis of economics and management undergraduates. Innovation for the future to promote the construction of double first - class. 2017-12..


1. Liu, T., & Wang, Z.. .

2. & Liu, X.. .

3. & Luo, S.. .

4. & Lin, X.. .

5. Bu, W.. Exploration and practice of optimizing and improving the training quality of graduate students in economics. 2019-01. .

6. Bu, W.. Exploration and practice of economics research method curriculum construction. 2019-01. .

7. Bu, W.. Reflections on the cultivation of doctoral students in school of economics and mManagement. Beijing Jiaotong University Graduate student teaching reform papers collection. 2018-10. .

8. Bu, W., Li, J.. Thoughts on the evaluation and organization of graduation thesis of economics and management undergraduates. Innovation for the future to promote the construction of double first - class. 2017-12. .

Social Practice
1. Positions of trade associations, societies and journals

1. Director of Beijing Society of Industrial Economics.

2. Director of China Association of International Trade.

3. Director of China Society of World Economics.

2. Administrative Experience & University and School

1. Head of the Department of Economics, School of Economics, Beijing Jiaotong University ..