School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University Participated in the Promotion Meeting of High Speed Railway Economics Research Project of State Railway Administration
Article source: |Release date: 15-Mar-2019|Clicks:751

On the morning of March 13, 2019, the Department of Science and Technology and Legal System the National Railway Administration organized and held a seminar on the research progress of high-speed rail economics. At the meeting, four project leaders, including Pro. LI Wenxing, Pro.XIAO Xiang, Associate Pro. LI Hongchang and Associate Pro. Li Jing, participated in the meeting and reported the progress of the project. Wu Jing, from Department of Social Science, and Zhang Lei, from Discipline Construction and Research Office School of Economics and Management, attended the meeting.

The series of high-speed rail economics research projects are based on the spirit of the notice of the comprehensive Department of the State Railway Administration on promoting the research work of high-speed rail economics and the work plan of developing high-speed rail economics to establish high-speed rail economics discipline. The purpose of the series of research topics is to promote the research on special topics related to the research scope of high-speed rail economics, and gradually establish the theoretical system of high-speed rail economics, Form a "1 + n" textbook system based on "Introduction to high speed rail economics". The four subjects undertaken by the School of Economics and Management are respectively: "Research on the economy of high-speed rail industry", "Research on the quantitative economy of high-speed rail", "Research on the transportation economy of high-speed rail" and "Research on the effect of high-speed rail". These researches are based on the continuation of the book "Introduction to high-speed rail economics" written by the faculty team of our college in 2018. The Social Sciences Department and the college attach great importance of it and strengthen the research, making the orderly progress of various research work and achieved phased results.  

The high speed rail economics is beneficial to promote the sustained and healthy development of our high-speed railway business, and better publicize the achievements of science and technology innovation in high speed rail, and serve the construction of "One Belt and One Road" in the country. It is conducive to improve the theoretical system of high-speed rail, foster the training of railway talents, consolidate and strengthen the relationship of the railway industry, continuously make better of the advantages, and help the construction of high-speed rail economics discipline system.

