School of Economics and Management Carried Out Online Scientific Research Services in an Orderly Manner
Article source: |Release date: 27-Mar-2020|Clicks:885

During the outbreak, the Scientific Research Department of School of Economics and Management insisted on fighting the epidemic , keeping on research by online working mode and carrying out scientific research services in an orderly manner.

First, online lectures were adopted to promote the application of scientific research projects. With the strong support of Science and Technology Department and Social Science Department of the University, we held a number of online guidance lectures for project applications. And we successively invited senior project review experts from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Capital University of Economics and Business, etc., while one-to-one online guidance were provided for the project applications of National Natural Science Fund and National Social Science Fund for the faculty. To help comprehensively understand the guiding principles and evaluation of project applications of National Natural Science Fund and National Social Science Fund, more than 100 teachers and doctoral and postgraduate students participated in the lectures. Second, WeChat platform and the website were used to publicize the scientific research achievements and viewpoint articles of the faculty's fight against the epidemic. During the outbreak period, many articles on WeChat platform and website were pushed through columns such as News Express, Teachers' Opinions, Hot Topics and Scientific Research to combat the epidemic. Third, a data mining method was adopted to support EQUIS international certification and Post-doctoral Research Station Evaluation while the department reviewed and sorted out the texts and data of EQUIS internationally certified SAR report, Datasheet report, large data table, etc.. Through data trend analysis, the department summarized the highlights and shortcomings of scientific research in various indicators. Through the collection and in-depth mining of data and cases, the collection of Post-doctoral Research Station Evaluation of scientific research achievements, innovation benefits, decision support and other indicators has been completed. (Article From: Party Committee of School of Economics and Management)