Young Role Models Walking into the Youth League Branch
Article source: |Release date: 21-Sep-2020|Clicks:783

At 3: 00 p.m. on May 21, 2020, the activities of young role models walking into the Youth League branch officially began. The college was honored to invite Sun Junjie and Han Chao, winners of the May 4th Medal of Beijing Jiaotong University in 2019-2020, to talk about their struggle.


Sun Junjie is a senior of the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in 2016, with full grades of 24 subjects, ranking No.1 in the college, and is recommended to Beihang University. He won the national scholarship for 3 academic year , the title of Merit Student, and the May 4th Youth Medal of Jiaotong University. He participated in the China Energy Saving Competition and won the first prize of the tram group and the second prize of the oil group. He was responsible for the projects of College Students' Innovative Entrepreneurial Training Plan Program and won the national and school annual excellent innovation projects. He founded Beijing Jiaotong University's first student coffee bar, Muji Coffee, which injected more than 20000 yuan into the public welfare fund. He was the chairman of the student branch of the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and was awarded many honorary titles such as Beijing excellent student cadre. He participated in celebrating The 70th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China as a substitute, and was awarded the advanced personal pacesetter. During the epidemic of COVID-19, he participated in activities such as "United as one to overcome difficulties" and other activities to help fight the epidemic.


Han Chao is the manager of Hong guo yuan Hotel. She has been rooted in logistics for 12 years and has gone all out to protect the work of the school center.

She provides high-quality service for school major events, creates the image of the hotel, and promotes the culture of Beijing Jiaotong University.

Thanks to the efforts of her and her colleagues, the Logistics Group Union was rated as a national model worker in 2015 which was the only grass-roots trade union organization in Beijing's education system. During the epidemic, she undertook the important task of managing two health observation sites inside and outside the school. She insisted on whole-process control and round-the-clock service, led 15 staff and workers, received a total of more than 100 health observers, and always practiced the "teacher and student-oriented" logistics concept of "service first".

The May 4th Medal of Beijing Jiaotong University is the highest honor for the youth in Beijing Jiaotong University, which stimulates the inherent potential of students, guides the correct social value orientation, promotes the development of students' spiritual civilization, which contributes to the perfecting of college students' spirit.