Summer practice report of the propaganda Department of the Youth League Committee of the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University
Article source: |Release date: 21-Sep-2020|Clicks:780

The 2020 Summer Social practice Group of the propaganda Department of the Youth League Committee of the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University conducted an one-month summer social practice, taking the anti-epidemic action and the garbage classification and disposal as the main contents of the practice. This summer social practice has greatly improved the social practice level and interpersonal skills of the practice group members. 

The 2020 Summer Social practice Group of the Youth League propaganda Department of the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University was composed of instructors and 19  sophomores and juniors of the School of Economics and Management. Due to the epidemic, this special practice took up in the form of "online team, remote collaboration". The division of labor in the regiment was clear, with active participation and cooperation of each member. In the process of practice, the practice groupcarried out the educational practice around the theme under the regulations of local epidemic prevention and control with full use of the network model which could broaden the implementation dimension of social practice.


Took the cultivation and practice of socialist core values as the main line, the team focused on advocating the style of civilized life. Took "table revolution, public chopsticks walking, moving", "garbage classification, starting from me", "caring for nature, low-carbon life", "unity and friendship and "civilized travel" as the starting point, the team went deep into the community to carry out public welfare publicity and voluntary service, and assisted in "freezing" the new atmosphere of social civilization. The group members firmly believed they should consciously be the advocate of civilized life, the disseminator of the new style of the times, the defender of the beautiful environment, and the builder of healthy China. 

Brother Shu of mobile cabin hospitals, "volunteer couple" from Jilin, Huoshenshan Hospital builders, 100 tons of vegetables from Sichuan to Wuhan, Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau police Fan Shufeng, Wuhan volunteer Zheng Nengliang, and the anti-epidemic medical workers represented by Academician Zhong Nanshan, each of them was making their own contribution to the fight against the epidemic. Their spirit, quality and will have shaped the anti-epidemic spirit that we admire. 

If the epidemic occurs, it is incumbent upon us to return to the posts and do what we have to do under the needs of country and people. -- Health care workers


On August 15, the practice group participated in the "Environmental Protection World Affairs, Ancient and Modern 'Datong" online garbage sorting activity held by the Wisdom Star Youth Collection. The group members not only learned a lot about garbage classification, but also showed the elegant demeanor of contemporary college students' volunteers by actively participating in activities and interactive games, which showed their enthusiasm even online. Teacher Yan Lina, from Wisdom Star Youth Festival, started the online activity with an interactive Mini Game, which made this online activity full of fun, and also improved the participation of the activity. In the midst of merriment, this activity came to a successful conclusion. Perhaps it was only a small online volunteer activity, but it is of great significance to every member of our group for we not only studied garbage classification, but also scored the spirit of dedication in our heart.
