Through the Wind and Rain With You ——- the "December 9th " Performance of the School of Economics and Management Came to a Successful Conclusion
Article source: |Release date: 05-Dec-2020|Clicks:1191

    For 85 years, I've met you across time. In order to commemorate the 1929 movement away 1935, our school successfully held the "  December 9th " chorus competition on December 5. In this competition, the school of Economics and Management, with the theme of "resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea", sang "hero's Hymn" with the active participation of 50 students, expressing the patriotic feelings of "safeguarding peace and loving the motherland, which is to protect the hometown", and won the silver award and the best Popularity Award.


    The performance was jointly organized by the culture and Art Department of the student branch of economic management and Management Branch and the cultural and sports activity center. In order to present the perfect performance effect, under the guidance of teacher Wenyang Luo, the props group and the clothing group worked hard to complete the work in the new college. The chorus and the conductor have a good understanding, and they have achieved a perfect performance on the stage with 18 days' hard work.


    Due to the impact on the epidemic, the performance venue for the school of economics and management is located on the steps of the student activity center in front of the landmark buildings in the campus. On the day of the performance, the students of the school of economics and management were full of youth, full of vigor and high spirits, and expressed their patriotic aspirations with moving songs!


    Looking back on history, this is an encounter across time and space; looking forward to the future, this is an oath of determination to serve the country. In hard times, there are heroes that rise up; in youth, we should devote our loyalty to our motherland. The performance fully demonstrates the vigorous spirit of the students in our college with high singing and ideal torch. The youth of our generation will remember the mission and do not insult youth!