Student Testimonials of BJTU, SEM


Thoughts on BJTU

The fellow students, faculties from BJTU help me a lot. I believed that this opportunity proves not only a valuable experience but also an opportunity to learn about Logistics and Supply Chain Management through experiential learning.I felt that BJTU campus life are very welcoming and friendly, which helped me to feel at home very quickly.


School life   

 I have studied logistics engineering courses that offered in Fall Semester. There is a lively interaction with both fellow students and teaching staff that helps us to learn by simulation and analysis to solve the real-world problems.


Life in China

During my exchange program, I have travelled so many famous places and cities of China. China’s people are always welcome to foreigners. I have learned incredibly much inside and outside the school and met wonderful people. I felt an honor to become a part of BJTU.


Useful tips

 I encourage everyone to go on exchange, get involved, experience a difference culture, learn Chinese languages and share the cultural experience and ideas with people.


      Saad Maqsood.jpg


12月23日 12:30-13:30
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